Tuesday, June 4, 2013

San Sebastian - Lunch#2 at Bodegon Alejandro

On our last day in San Sebastian, we had another nice prix fixe lunch at Bodegon Alejandro.  It was cheaper because it was during the week.  The asparagus soup shot, milk+mini almond muffin, and lemon cream desserts were the same, but other dishes were new.

On the Saturday lunch we didn't realize until we left that wine was included in the prix fixe pricing.  This time we ordered wine given it was free!  At a lot of these lunch prix fixe deals, if you order wine for two people, they give you the whole bottle.  Some of you may be, but I am not conditioned to finish a whole bottle or half a bottle of wine at lunch.  Don't worry mom, check out the last picture to see how much wine was left!

calamari salad

cream of cauliflower soup covering 2 thin skinned ravioli
grilled sardines

stuffed chicken breast

red wine poached pear

almost half a bottle of wine left for someone to drink!


  1. Your food pictures are much improving, or is it the camera? :) That focused sardine head is awesome!

  2. Thanks Nancy. It is probably a combo of more experience taking food pictures and the camera. The camera is good.

    I need to give Laura credit for the sardine head picture. That is her artistic work!


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