Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Madrid - Casa Federica for Argentinian food

We were in Madrid for several days and we needed a break from Spanish food.  After some research of restaurant reviews, we found Casa Federica for Argentian food within 10 minutes from our Gran Via apartment.  The first night we went at around 9PM, there <10 tables were all full and we were out of luck.  The next two times we went, we made a reservation and went at opening.  The meals here ended up very inexpensive and were some of the most enjoyable meals we had in Madrid.

The best spinach dish I have ever had is their spinach fritter.  The second time we went back was just so I could have this dish again before leaving Madrid!

Fat empanadas with a flaky crust and lots of filling.  My two favorite flavors were beef and pumpkin.

A real good hummus.

 Spanish tortilla

Casa Federica
Calle de la Manzana, 19
28015 Madrid


  1. That spinach fritter looks like something I'd love too!

  2. They are called Bunuelos de Espinaca. Here are a couple links to recipes in case you want to try.




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