Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Local Drinks of San Sebastian

While we were in San Sebastian, we enjoyed trying out the local drinks.

One San Sebastian specialty is Sidra, a type of hard apple cider. It is less sweet and more beer-like than the typical Woodchuck cider you may be used to. Delicious and refreshing, it has an enjoyable yeasty flavor. It's poured from about a foot above the glass, so it's nice and bubbly when you drink it.

Another San Sebastian specialty is Txacoli, a young, dry, acidic white wine. It's made in Basque country, about 30 miles from San Sebastian. It's made of 80-90% white Hondarrabi Zuri grapes (zuri means white in Basque). The wine is bubbly, a bit like champagne, but with a somewhat stronger personality. Like the Sidra, it's poured from 1-2 feet above the glass in order to aerate the wine and get the bubbles going. It's very refreshing on a hot summer's day, and it's a great complement to some salty tapas!

You may recognize these pictures; they are from Bar Nestor, our favorite restaurant in San Sebastian.

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